Super Variables can have script, window, database, or global scope. That means a variable called "MyVar" in one window can have a different value than "MyVar" in another window. These variables can be used to track viewing preferences that affect only one window at a time.
Global Super Variables can do things that FileMaker "global" $$variables can't because FileMaker's $$variables have a different value in each database. A Global Super Variable has the same value in every database, making it perfect for storing temporary user preferences in a multi-database solution.
Super Variables also gives you a helper function for dealing with script parameters. To pass multiple values in FileMaker's single script parameter, you might pass a string like "PersonID = 1; OrgID = 2". In the script, you can get the value of "PersonID" using:
The expression above is long and hard to write, and a small error in syntax will create an error or a confusing bug. If your table has a PersonID field, and you ever forget to pass PersonID in the script parameter, you'll get the value of PersonID from your table instead. Super Variables lets you use a short function, epParam("PersonID"), that is easy to use and avoids the problems just mentioned.
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