Super Variables
Free Plug-in Super Variables is a FileMaker® Pro and Server database plugin that allows you to store data in named variables in FileMaker 7 and later. Some kinds of Super Variables are actually stored as FileMaker variables in FileMaker 8 and later, while other types of variables are unique and not available in native FileMaker.

Super Variables can have script, window, database, or global scope. That means a variable called "MyVar" in one window can have a different value than "MyVar" in another window. These variables can be used to track viewing preferences that affect only one window at a time.

Global Super Variables can do things that FileMaker "global" $$variables can't because FileMaker's $$variables have a different value in each database. A Global Super Variable has the same value in every database, making it perfect for storing temporary user preferences in a multi-database solution.

Super Variables also gives you a helper function for dealing with script parameters. To pass multiple values in FileMaker's single script parameter, you might pass a string like "PersonID = 1; OrgID = 2". In the script, you can get the value of "PersonID" using:

Evaluate("Let([" & Get(ScriptParameter) & "]; PersonID)")

The expression above is long and hard to write, and a small error in syntax will create an error or a confusing bug. If your table has a PersonID field, and you ever forget to pass PersonID in the script parameter, you'll get the value of PersonID from your table instead. Super Variables lets you use a short function, epParam("PersonID"), that is easy to use and avoids the problems just mentioned.

System Requirements
  • FileMaker Pro or Server 14 through 21.2
  • Windows 2000 through Windows 11
  • Macintosh OS X 10.9 (Mavericks) through macOS 14 (Sonoma), Intel or Apple Silicon (M1, M2, and future) processor
  • FileMaker 13 and earlier on OS X 10.8 and earlier were last supported in 2empowerFM Family v2.65
Super Variables is no longer a separate plugin, but its features are integrated into every other plugin in the 2empowerFM family. That means you can use Super Variables by installing one of our other free plugins, such as SQL Runner, Text Toolkit, Script Scheduler, Clipboard Explorer or Money and Numbers.
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