SQL Runner
SQL Runner An industry standard.

SQL (Structured Query Language) is an industry-standard method of reading and writing data in databases. SQL Runner is a free FileMaker® Pro and Server database plugin that lets you read and write data from and to FileMaker in powerful new ways.

If you're not familiar with SQL, you can find lots of information about it online, or visit w3schools for an introduction.

Access data anywhere.

SQL Runner lets you run queries anywhere you can put a calculation in FileMaker:

  • In scripts
  • field validations
  • auto-enter field values
  • and more.

Make your own relationships.

This SQL query relates a person to their address using AddressID
SQL example
SQL ignores FileMaker table relationships, allowing you to read and write data in unrelated tables without moving away from the current record or layout.

Use SQL in scripts to access an unrelated table of global configuration or status fields.

Advanced validation.

One SQL statement can often do the same thing as multiple script steps. This is great for advanced field-validation calculations where a script can't be used and changing the layout or record would interrupt the validation.

Do more in FileMaker 11.

If you're using FileMaker 11 or later, your SQL queries can do even more:

  • Read binary data from container fields.
  • Write binary data to container fields.
  • Run an SQL query in the context of any FileMaker database file.

It's free.

All FileMaker SQL plugins use FileMaker's built-in SQL engine, so you won't find performance or feature differences in how SQL queries are interpreted by different plugins. 2empowerFM SQL Runner is free and comes with documentation describing many quirks of FileMaker's SQL engine.

System Requirements
  • FileMaker Pro or Server 14 through 21.1
  • Windows 2000 through Windows 11
  • Macintosh OS X 10.13 (High Sierra) through macOS 15 (Sequoia), Intel or Apple Silicon (M1, M2, and future) processor
  • FileMaker 13 and earlier on OS X 10.8 and earlier were last supported in 2empowerFM Family v2.65
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